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Single Crochet Join Tutorial

Today’s tutorial will show you how to join two pieces of crochet together using the simple single crochet stitch. This join is about the most sturdy you can make, so it’s great for projects that will get lots of wear and tear. To see a video tutorial on this method, click here.

To begin this join you will put the two pieces you want to join together with the right sides facing each other.

Line up the stitches for easy joining.


With a slip knot already on your hook, insert it through the first stitch of both pieces to begin your join.


You can enter you hook under both loops or just the inside or outside.
I like to put my hook under both loops.


Next, just like a single crochet, yarn over and pull up the loop through both pieces.


If it’s difficult to pull the hook through, separate the pieces slightly so you can pull through just two loops at a time.


Now, yarn over and finish off your first single crochet.


You can begin your first joining stitch wherever you need, it doesn’t just have to be at the end of your pieces.


Important Step: Before beginning your next stitch, tighten down the previous stitch. This gives a nice tight join.


Tighten down every stitch you make the same way.




Continue down your entire seam single crocheting into every stitch you come to.


If there are not any stitches to work into (like side rows of pieces) just work them as evenly across as you can.


Once you reach the end, fasten off and weave in the ends. I’ve used a contrasting color for this tutorial so you can see exactly what shows through to the right side of your work.


If this was worked in the green, this seam would be pretty much invisible.


Be warned that this join will create a raised seam. If you need a flat seam you can try the mattress seam or whipstitch seam which will give you a nice flat seam.


This seam’s super sturdy construction makes a three dimensional seam.






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