Knit and Crochet Ever After

Zig Zag Knit Beanie Tutorial

New Pattern – Zig Zag Knit Beanie

The Zig Zag Knit Beanie is a great introduction to mosaic, or slip stitch, knitting. Instead of other methods like fair isle, mosaic uses one color per round. The color changes are made with super simple slip stitches.

The color change portion is a simple four-row repeat. The video included will walk you through that repeat. I use three colors for this beanie, but you can customize with as many colors as you like.

The beanie comes in two sizes for both kids and grown-ups.

Sizes include 17.5″ and 20″ unstretched brims.

Suggested Materials

Worsted weight yarn in wool or acrylic will work great for this project. Pick a yarn that does not have too much texture so you don’t lose your stitch definition.

You want your color changes to be crisp.

You will use two different-sized needles. One for the ribbed brim and one for the body. I love Addi Turbos in the 16″ fixed circulars for making my beanies.

You will need a 4mm and a 4.5mm for the beanie.

The video below will walk you through the easy four-round repeat. Get the pattern below the video.

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f elegance to your creations. The smooth texture and vibrant hues make it great for scarves and shawls.